© Israel Ayanwuyi, 2019
Those pains we feel when we have tried something again and again, yet failed are one of the most serious distress a man can encounter, you know? Dammit! It is a serious one to experience in all of our doings. I know pain is a norm to every mortals and perhaps immortals, too, but let us focus on what really concerns us—We mortals.
Most times we get to end of the road after we've strived to make a turn over but failed. I've just got this to charge your spirit to successfully make it through on trials.
You know, in Luke 5, Jesus was doing his Father's work on the shore —preaching— and he had a need for a pulpit when great crowds pressed on him to listen to the word of God. He made a business proposal to Simon Peter to use his boat as pulpit to teach the crowds.
Peter had worked hard all night and he didn't catch a thing[fish].
Peter didn't stop Jesus from using it. Jesus stepped into one of the boats, and asked Simon, its owner, to push it a bit into the water. So he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there.
And when Jesus had finished, profited from the business, he had to make Peter gain and share from the partnership as well.
HE instructed Peter to go DEEPER, and let down his nets to catch some fish. Peter had no reason to let those nets down because he had done more than try from his own capacity overnight but he just had to let them down again at Jesus' word.
Lo! This time, their nets were so full of fish that they began to tear and his shout for help brought his partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and even on the verge of sinking.
Peter and his partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him.
Do you notice Peter would never have this reward if he had not agreed to partner with Jesus? Do you also notice Peter would never enjoy this natural benefits if he had not agreed to go DEEPER at Jesus word?
Peter took a wise step, he succumbed to support Jesus business and Jesus paid attention to his need and business also. Peter included Jesus in his life affair. Peter took instruction from Jesus to go deeper and he had the reward.
Peter got this reward when he didn't even ask for any reward. It came to him naturally because he had submitted his will for the Kingdom establishment and propagation, first.
Peter and his partners further received an honour to co-labour with Jesus to be his disciple[fishers of men], by the selection of grace and partnership. They had honour to be his first apostles who joyfully shared in everything, including his suffering and glory in his Father's Kingdom. What honour, success, prosperity and achievement can be above this?
In divine connection, you should never miss transaction with the person of Jesus Christ; without him, you are with no shape, just like an amoeba. It is from Jesus office everything receive definition and success.
The life of Peter, whose name previously was Simon—a weed tottle to and fro by the riverside—received definition and drastic change when he entered into the economic of the discovery of Jesus, his name changed to "The Living Stone" —Peter, upon which I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.
Beloved, will you also try once again? But this time, you must include Jesus in your trial, you must do it with him. Pay attention to God's business first. He is able to work excellently far above your imaginations.
For you are the descendant of Abraham, the LORD calls you blessed. Amen. Be encouraged!
Scriptures excerpt from Luke 5:1-11; Mathew 16:18; Matthew 6:33
Source - https://bit.ly/32VqkQY